Python callable parsing#

There are currently several methods that implement complex translation of python code to OneTick’s expressions:


The main feature of these methods is that, unlike most of the other methods, using callables for them is not resulting in these callables being called in python, but rather these callables being translated from python code to OneTick expressions.

Therefore, these callables will not be called on each tick and they will not be called even once.

Methods and work the same and return a OneTick’s CASE expression as a new object, but the first parameter of the callable for represents the current column and for it represents the whole source object.

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> t['A'].apply(lambda x: x + 1 if x >= 0 else x - 1)
Column(CASE((A) >= (0), 1, (A) + (1), (A) - (1)), <class 'int'>)

>>> t.apply(lambda x: x['A'] + 1 if x['A'] >= 0 else x['A'] - 1)
Column(CASE((A) >= (0), 1, (A) + (1), (A) - (1)), <class 'int'>)

Using functions for these methods works the same.

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> def fun(x):
...     if x >= 0:
...         return x + 1
...     return x - 1
>>> t['A'].apply(fun)
Column(CASE((A) >= (0), 1, (A) + (1), (A) - (1)), <class 'int'>)

>>> def fun(x):
...     if x['A'] >= 0:
...         return x['A'] + 1
...     return x['A'] - 1
>>> t.apply(fun)
Column(CASE((A) >= (0), 1, (A) + (1), (A) - (1)), <class 'int'>)

Method works differently and in this case python’s callable is translated to OneTick’s per-tick script language and this script is used with SCRIPT event processor and method returns new object. Also the first argument of the callable represents the special input tick object.

>>> t = otp.Ticks(A=[-1, 1])
>>> def fun(tick):
...     tick['B'] = 0
...     if tick['A'] >= 0:
...         tick['B'] = 1
>>> t = t.script(fun)
                     Time  A  B
0 2003-12-01 00:00:00.000 -1  0
1 2003-12-01 00:00:00.001  1  1

Apply methods# and

For apply methods the main idea is that the logic of the python callable should be convertible to OneTick’s CASE expression.

Python’s lambda-expressions have the same semantic capabilities as OneTick’s CASE expressions, so there are no limitations for them.

For functions some restrictions should be taken into consideration.

Only these operators are supported:

  • if statement

  • return statement

>>> t = otp.Ticks(A=[-1, 1])
>>> def fun(x):
...     if x['A'] >= 0:
...         return x['A'] + 1
...     return x['A'] - 1
>>> t['X'] = t.apply(fun)
                     Time  A   X
0 2003-12-01 00:00:00.000 -1  -2
1 2003-12-01 00:00:00.001  1   2

Also, the python code translation is very flexible and allows some of the python operators and methods to be translated into simpler ones or to be executed in python and then be translated to OneTick.

  • Simple for statement can be replaced with it’s duplicated body:

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> def fun(x):
...     for i in [999, 55, 1]:
...         if x['A'] > i:
...             return i
...     return -333
>>> t.apply(fun)
Column(CASE((A) > (999), 1, 999, CASE((A) > (55), 1, 55, CASE((A) > (1), 1, 1, -333))), <class 'int'>)
  • If the first parameter is propagated to inner python callables, the code of these callables will also be translated (they won’t be called):

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> def inner_fun(x):
...     if x['A'] >= 10:
...         return 10
...     return 0
>>> t.apply(lambda x: inner_fun(x) if x['A'] > 0 else -10)
Column(CASE((A) > (0), 1, CASE((A) >= (10), 1, 10, 0), -10), <class 'int'>)
  • All other inner python callables will be called once and their result will be inserted in OneTick expression:

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> t.apply(lambda x: x['A'] + sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
Column((A) + (15), <class 'int'>)

Per-tick script#

For method more python operators may also be used in the function:

Adding new and modifying existing columns#

It can be done by modifying first parameter of the function. This parameter represents input tick.

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> def fun(tick):
...     tick['A'] += 1
...     tick['B'] = 'B'
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  A B
0 2003-12-01  2 B

Filtering ticks#

By default, all input ticks are returned in script. To filter tick out you can use return False statement. If some return statements are specified, then all ticks are filtered out by default, and the user is expected to control all cases where ticks should be propagated or not.

>>> t = otp.Ticks(A=[1, -1])
>>> def fun(tick):
...     if tick['A'] < 0:
...         return False
...     return True
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  A
0 2003-12-01  1

Propagating ticks#

yield statement allows to propagate tick more than once.

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> def fun(tick):
...     yield
...     yield
...     return False
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  A
0 2003-12-01  1
1 2003-12-01  1

Local variables#

Simple local variables are redefined on each arrived input tick. Static local variables are defined once and their values are saved between the arrival of input ticks.

>>> t = otp.Ticks(A=[0, 1])
>>> def fun(tick):
...     a = 1234
...     b = otp.static(0)
...     a = a + 1
...     b = b + 1
...     tick['A'] = a * 2
...     tick['B'] = b
>>> t = t.script(fun)
                     Time     A  B
0 2003-12-01 00:00:00.000  2470  1
1 2003-12-01 00:00:00.001  2470  2

Python function calls#

Simple python function calls results are also inserted into resulting OneTick code.

For example python built-in function sum will be replaced with its returned value:

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> def fun(tick):
...     tick['A'] = sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time   A
0 2003-12-01  15

Python functions can also be translated to OneTick per-tick script syntax, but only if they have certain signature and defined parameters and return value types:

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=7)

>>> def multiply_a(tick, a: int) -> int:
...     return tick['A'] * a

>>> def fun(tick):
...     tick['B'] = multiply_a(tick, 21)
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  A    B
0 2003-12-01  7  147

Python for statements#

Simple for statements can also be translated to per-tick script. Only iterating over simple sequences (lists, tuples) with simple values (string and numbers) is supported.

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> def fun(tick):
...     for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
...         tick['A'] += i
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time   A
0 2003-12-01  16

Looping with while statement#

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> def fun(tick):
...     tick['X'] = 0
...     while tick['X'] < 5:
...         tick['X'] += 1
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  A  X
0 2003-12-01  1  5

Python with statement#

otp.once context manager can be used to execute code only once for the first tick, not on each arriving tick:

>>> t = otp.Ticks(A=[1, 2], B=[3, 4])
>>> def fun(tick):
...     with otp.once():
...         tick['A'] = tick['B']
>>> t = t.script(fun)
                     Time  A  B
0 2003-12-01 00:00:00.000  3  3
1 2003-12-01 00:00:00.001  2  4

Tick sequences#

You can iterate over tick sequences inside per-tick script. These sequences should be created outside of the per-tick script.

  • otp.state.tick_sequence_tick()

  • otp.state.tick_list()

  • otp.state.tick_set()

  • otp.state.tick_set_unordered()

  • otp.state.tick_deque()

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> t.state_vars['list'] = otp.state.tick_list(otp.eval(otp.Ticks(X=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])))
>>> def fun(tick):
...     for t in tick.state_vars['list']:
...         tick['A'] += t['X']
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time   A
0 2003-12-01  16

Tick descriptor fields#

It’s possible to iterate over tick descriptor fields in per-tick script, get their names and types.

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1, B=2)
>>> def fun(tick):
...     tick['NAMES'] = ''
...     for field in otp.tick_descriptor_fields():
...         tick['NAMES'] += field.get_name() + ','
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  A  B  NAMES
0 2003-12-01  1  2   A,B,
class TickDescriptorFields#

Class for declaring tick descriptor fields in per-tick script. Can only be iterated, doesn’t have methods and parameters.


>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> def fun(tick):
...     for field in otp.tick_descriptor_fields():
...         tick['NAME'] = field.get_name()
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  A NAME
0 2003-12-01  1    A
class TickDescriptorField(name, **_)#

Tick descriptor field object. Can be accessed only while iterating over otp.tick_descriptor_fields in per-tick script.


>>> t = otp.Tick(A=2, B='B', C=1.2345)
>>> def fun(tick):
...     tick['NAMES'] = ''
...     tick['TYPES'] = ''
...     tick['SIZES'] = ''
...     for field in otp.tick_descriptor_fields():
...         tick['NAMES'] += field.get_name() + ','
...         tick['TYPES'] += field.get_type() + ','
...         tick['SIZES'] += field.get_size().apply(str) + ','
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  A  B       C   NAMES                TYPES    SIZES
0 2003-12-01  2  B  1.2345  A,B,C,  long,string,double,  8,64,8,

Get the name of the field.

Return type


Get the name of the field.

Return type


Get the size of the type of the field.

Return type


Get the name of the type of the field.

Return type

Tick objects#

Tick objects can be created inside per-tick script. They can be copied or modified, also some methods are available.

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> def fun(tick):
...     t = otp.dynamic_tick()
...     t['A'] = 12345
...     tick.copy_tick(t)
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time      A
0 2003-12-01  12345

Input tick object also has method copy_tick() that can be used to copy data from input tick to the new tick object.


Copy fields from tick_obj to the output tick. Will only rewrite fields that are presented in this tick and tick_object, will not remove or add any. Translated to COPY_TICK() function.

Get or set ticks’ field via Operations#

Ticks’ field can be accessed via Operations with return field’s name.

get_long_value(self, field_name)#

Get value of the long field_name of the tick.


field_name (str, otp.Operation) – String field name or operation which returns field name.

Return type


>>> def fun(tick):
...     tick['TOTAL_INT'] = 0
...     for field in otp.tick_descriptor_fields():
...         if field.get_type() == 'long':
...             tick['TOTAL_INT'] += tick.get_long_value(field.get_name())
>>> t = otp.Tick(INT_1=3, INT_2=5)
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  INT_1  INT_2  TOTAL_INT
0 2003-12-01      3      5          8
get_double_value(self, field_name)#

Get value of the double field_name of the tick.


field_name (str, otp.Operation) – String field name or operation which returns field name.

Return type


>>> def fun(tick):
...     tick['TOTAL_DOUBLE'] = 0.0
...     for field in otp.tick_descriptor_fields():
...         if field.get_type() == 'double':
...             tick['TOTAL_DOUBLE'] += tick.get_double_value(field.get_name())
>>> t = otp.Tick(DOUBLE_1=3.1, DOUBLE_2=5.2)
>>> t = t.script(fun)
0 2003-12-01      3.1      5.2          8.3
get_string_value(self, field_name)#

Get value of the string field_name of the tick.


field_name (str, otp.Operation) – String field name or operation which returns field name.

Return type


>>> def fun(tick):
...     tick['TOTAL_STR'] = ""
...     for field in otp.tick_descriptor_fields():
...         if field.get_type() == 'string':
...             tick['TOTAL_STR'] += tick.get_string_value(field.get_name())
>>> t = otp.Tick(STR_1="1", STR_2="2")
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  STR_1  STR_2  TOTAL_STR
0 2003-12-01      1      2          12
get_datetime_value(self, field_name)#

Get value of the datetime field_name of the tick.


field_name (str, otp.Operation) – String field name or operation which returns field name.

Return type


>>> def fun(tick):
...     for field in otp.tick_descriptor_fields():
...         if field.get_type() == 'nsectime':
...             tick['SOME_DATETIME'] = tick.get_datetime_value(field.get_name())
>>> t = otp.Tick(DATETIME=otp.datetime(2021, 1, 1))
>>> t = t.script(fun)
0 2003-12-01 2021-01-01    2021-01-01
set_long_value(self, field_name, value)#

Set value of the long field_name of the tick.

  • field_name (str, otp.Operation) – String field name or operation which returns field name.

  • value (int, otp.Operation) – Long value to set or operation which return such value.

Return type



>>> def fun(tick):
...     for field in otp.tick_descriptor_fields():
...         if field.get_type() == 'long':
...             tick.set_long_value(field.get_name(), 5)
>>> t = otp.Tick(INT_1=3)
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  INT_1
0 2003-12-01      5
set_double_value(self, field_name, value)#

Set value of the double field_name of the tick.

  • field_name (str, otp.Operation) – String field name or operation which returns field name.

  • value (float, otp.Operation) – Double value to set or operation which return such value.

Return type



>>> def fun(tick):
...     for field in otp.tick_descriptor_fields():
...         if field.get_type() == 'double':
...             tick.set_double_value(field.get_name(), 5.0)
>>> t = otp.Tick(DOUBLE_1=3.0)
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  DOUBLE_1
0 2003-12-01      5.0
set_string_value(self, field_name, value)#

Set value of the string field_name of the tick.

  • field_name (str, otp.Operation) – String field name or operation which returns field name.

  • value (str, otp.Operation) – String value to set or operation which return such value.

Return type



>>> def fun(tick):
...     for field in otp.tick_descriptor_fields():
...         if field.get_type() == 'string':
...             tick.set_string_value(field.get_name(), '5')
>>> t = otp.Tick(STR_1='3')
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  STR_1
0 2003-12-01      5
set_datetime_value(self, field_name, value)#

Set value of the datetime field_name of the tick.

  • field_name (str, otp.Operation) – String field name or operation which returns field name.

  • value (int, otp.Operation) – Datetime value to set or operation which return such value.

Return type



>>> def fun(tick):
...     for field in otp.tick_descriptor_fields():
...         if field.get_type() == 'nsectime':
...             tick.set_datetime_value(field.get_name(), otp.datetime(2021, 1, 1) - otp.Day(1))
>>> t = otp.Tick(DATETIME_1=otp.datetime(2021, 1, 1))
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  DATETIME_1
0 2003-12-01      2020-12-31

Using input ticks#

In some cases you might want to get tick the way it was before being updated in script. You can do it with using input attribute.

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> def fun(tick):
...     tick['A'] = 2
...     tick['B'] = tick.input['A']
>>> t = t.script(fun)
        Time  A  B
0 2003-12-01  2  1


logf(message, severity, *args)#

Call built-in OneTick LOGF function from per-tick script.

Return type



>>> t = otp.Ticks({'X': [1, 2, 3]})
>>> def test_script(tick):
...     otp.logf("Tick with value X=%1% processed", "INFO", tick["X"])
>>> t = t.script(test_script)

Error handling#


Call built-in OneTick THROW_EXCEPTION function from per-tick script.


message (str) – Message string that defines the error message to be thrown.

Return type



>>> t = otp.Ticks({'X': [1, -2, 6]})
>>> def test_script(tick):
...     if tick["X"] <= 0:
...         otp.throw_exception("Tick column X should be greater than zero.")
>>> t = t.script(test_script)