Your first test#

Let’s assume that we have some project in the project-folder folder.


The first test#

Let’s add a simple test to the project. A few words about naming first.

pytest has an auto discovery mechanism, and test_*.py or * files are included as files containing tests. Every test case is either a Python function or method starting with the test_ prefix or ending with the _test suffix. They can be combined into classes with the Test prefix.

The best practices say to keep tests in the tests folder. Lets add a first test


with the following logic

def test_first():

You can easily run it inside the project-folder folder

$ pytest -vs

pytest automatically finds the test and runs it. The output should be look like

=========================== test session starts =====================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.6, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.3.0 -- python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /project-folder
plugins: timeout-1.3.3, mock-1.11.0, cov-2.7.1
collected 1 item

tests/ Hey-ho!

Plugins import#

We need to import our onetick-py-test pytest plugin into the project. pytest recommends creating a file in the root of the project and keeping plugin imports and common helpers there.


Let’s add the following line to to import our plugin:

pytest_plugins = ['onetick.test']

Everything imported in automatically becomes available in all tests starting from the folder where it’s placed and down to all sub-folders recursively.


What does it import and add?

Our plugin exposes common fixtures (fixture is the pytest features: see api and fixtures) and helpers for debugging.

More details are here.

Test code#

Let’s consider code that calculates directional volume imbalance in a window of a given length. The code also sets a flag to 1 if the buy size exceeds the sell size by at least the given threshold and to -1 if the opposite is true.

def trades_imbalance(orders: otp.Source,
                     threshold: int,
                     window_in_sec: int):
    ''' Build `window_in_sec`-second buckets of buy and sell orders,
    join them and compare whether the volume was more than the `threshold`
    on one of the sides '''
    buy, sell = orders[(orders['SIDE'] == 'BUY')]

    buy = buy.agg({'BUY_SIZE': otp.agg.sum('SIZE'),
                   'BUY_COUNT': otp.agg.count()},
    sell = sell.agg({'SELL_SIZE': otp.agg.sum('SIZE'),
                     'SELL_COUNT': otp.agg.count()},

    result = otp.join(buy, sell, on='same_size')

    result, _ = result[(result['BUY_COUNT'] > 0) | (result['SELL_COUNT'] > 0)]

    result['FLAG'] = result.apply(lambda tick:
                        otp.math.sign(tick['BUY_SIZE'] - tick['SELL_SIZE']) \
                        if abs(tick['BUY_SIZE'] - tick['SELL_SIZE']) > threshold \
                        else 0)

    return result

The trades_imbalance interface allows passing a data source. We will use otp.Ticks to generate ticks with the goal of checking that the code is at least runnable

def test_simple(m_session):
    orders = otp.Ticks([
        ['SIZE',  'SIDE', 'offset'],
        [     5,   'BUY',        0],
        [     7,  'SELL',      150],
        [    20,  'SELL',      700],
        [   100,   'BUY',     1100],
        [    70,  'SELL',     1900],
        [    55,   'BUY',     2300],
        [    59,  'SELL',     2430]

    res = trades_imbalance(orders,

    df =


    assert all(df['FLAG'] == [-1, 1, 0])
    assert all(df['BUY_SIZE'] == [5, 100, 55])
    assert all(df['SELL_SIZE'] == [27, 70, 59])

In this test we create a data source, pass it to the function we’d like to test, and check the result. The m_session object is a onetick-py-test session fixture.

You may notice that there is no specified symbols and start / end times. Our framework has predefined default values to make it easier to write tests. We allow developers to change the defaults as we describe later.

Let’s run it:

$ pytest -vs

=========================== test session starts =====================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.6, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.3.0 -- python3

OneTick build: 20230831120000, onetick-py: 1.82.0, onetick-py-test: 1.1.34
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /project-folder
plugins: timeout-1.3.3, mock-1.11.0, pyfakefs-5.2.4, cov-2.7.1
collected 1 item
0 2023-12-01 00:00:01         5          1         27           2    -1
1 2023-12-01 00:00:02       100          1         70           1     1
2 2023-12-01 00:00:03        55          1         59           1     0

Same test – different parameters#

pytest allows to run the same test with different sets of parameters. Let’s give it a try

    'threshold,expected_res', [
        ( 1, [-1, 1, -1]),
        (20, [-1, 1,  0]),
        (25, [ 0, 1,  0]),
        (35, [ 0, 0,  0])
def test_threshold(m_session, threshold, expected_res):
    orders = otp.Ticks([
        ['SIZE',  'SIDE', 'offset'],
        [     5,   'BUY',        0],
        [     7,  'SELL',      150],
        [    20,  'SELL',      700],
        [   100,   'BUY',     1100],
        [    70,  'SELL',     1900],
        [    55,   'BUY',     2300],
        [    59,  'SELL',     2430]

    res = trades_imbalance(orders,

    df =

    assert all(df['FLAG'] == expected_res)

This is a standard pytest technique. More about it could be found on the official site.

Add databases#

In some cases a developer may want to use ticks from a OneTick database. We suggest using otp.DB for this goal. A developer can create a new database, add ticks there under the specified tick type, symbol and date, and then use it the code.

Let’s change our test example to use ticks from a database

def test_db(f_session):
    orders = otp.Ticks([
        ['SIZE',  'SIDE', 'offset'],
        [     5,   'BUY',        0],
        [     7,  'SELL',      150],
        [    20,  'SELL',      700],
        [   100,   'BUY',     1100],
        [    70,  'SELL',     1900],
        [    55,   'BUY',     2300],
        [    59,  'SELL',     2430]

    # define database
    db = otp.DB('SOME_DB')

    # add ticks into the database
           date=otp.dt(2023, 1, 1))

    # include the database in the session

    # read ticks from our database
    src = otp.DataSource(
                date=otp.dt(2023, 1, 1))

    # use ticks from the database instead of Ticks
    res = trades_imbalance(src,

    df =

    assert all(df['FLAG'] == [-1, 1, 0])
    assert all(df['BUY_SIZE'] == [5, 100, 55])
    assert all(df['SELL_SIZE'] == [27, 70, 59])

Note that we use the f_session fixture here. If we added a database into the m_session then it would be available for every test in a module that uses that fixture; for the f_session it available only for this test.

We recommend to re-use databases as much as possible because database creation mechanism works with the filesystem objects that could slow down a test. The following example shows how to re-use databases

def session_with_dbs(m_session):
     orders = otp.Ticks([
        ['SIZE',  'SIDE', 'offset'],
        [     5,   'BUY',        0],
        [     7,  'SELL',      150],
        [    20,  'SELL',      700],
        [   100,   'BUY',     1100],
        [    70,  'SELL',     1900],
        [    55,   'BUY',     2300],
        [    59,  'SELL',     2430]

    # define database
    db = otp.DB('SOME_DB')

    # add ticks into the database
           date=otp.dt(2023, 1, 1))

    # include database into the session

    yield m_session

def test_1(session_with_dbs):

def test_2(session_with_dbs):

Here we create a fixture based on the default module scope session, add databases there, re-use it as a fixture in tests; the added databases are available for all tests where the common fixture is used.

OTQ query#

pytest can be used to test queries written in OneTick Query Designer (OTQs).

A developer can point to a query from some OTQ file on the local filesystem using otp.query:

import as otp

query = otp.query("my.otq::Query")

It also allows to bind parameters to the query as key-value arguments. Let’s consider an example of how to test a Bollinger Bands query this otq

path = "test_existed.otq::bollinger_bands"
query = otp.query(path,
                  # parameters then
data = otp.Ticks(PRICE=[1.45, 1.55, 1.45, 1.30, 1.40],
                 offset=[0, 1000, 2000, 4000, 10_000])
data = data.apply(query)
df =

The result is:

0 2003-12-01 00:00:00  1.45   1.450000  0.00000  1.450000    1.450000
1 2003-12-01 00:00:01  1.55   1.500000  0.05000  1.450000    1.550000
2 2003-12-01 00:00:02  1.45   1.483333  0.04714  1.436193    1.530474
3 2003-12-01 00:00:04  1.30   1.375000  0.07500  1.300000    1.450000
4 2003-12-01 00:00:10  1.40   1.400000  0.00000  1.400000    1.400000


OneTick resolves the relative path to an OTQ file for the paths specified in the OTQ_PATH config variable of the OneTick config.

The testing framework adds the current path (the path where a default session like f_session is used / initialized) to the OTQ_PATH of the OneTick config by default.

Default timezone, symbol, etc#

We mentioned before that the testing framework uses predefined default values for the timezone, the symbol, the start and end for the query interval, etc. It simplifies testing in most cases however sometimes a developer wants to change a default value to something else.

Here are two ways we could recommend:

  • use fixtures like default_tz to override default values as described in this doc

  • patch the otp.config using the monkeypatch default pytest fixture, or simply just change the default values directly in the file

Sessions customization#

The default sessions like the f_session could be customized a bit. For example a developer can extend the default OTQ_PATH and CSV_PATH config variables using the otq_path and csv_path fixtures correspondingly. More about is in the doc.

Also a developer can create a fully custom session using otp.Session and use it instead of the default fixtures, for example

def my_session():
    with otp.Session() as s:
        yield s

def test_something(my_session):

This approach provides full flexibility.