Implementation shortfall (slippage)#
IS – implementation shortfall, or slippage. Large positive values imply a good execution while large negative values imply a poor execution.
IS := Direction * Executed_QTY * (Arrival_Mid_Price - VWAP)
To calculate the Implementation Shortfall (IS) for each order, we need to determine the direction of the order, the executed quantity (sum of QTY_FILLED), the arrival mid-price, and the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) of the order. We will then apply the provided formula to calculate the IS. Here’s how you can do it using
import as otp
# Define the symbol, orders database, quotes database, and date
symbol = 'TSLA'
orders_db = 'ORDERS_DB'
quotes_db = 'NYSE_TAQ'
date = otp.dt(2022, 3, 2)
# Load orders and quotes data
orders = otp.DataSource(orders_db, tick_type='ORDER', symbol=symbol)
quotes = otp.DataSource(quotes_db, tick_type='QTE', symbol=symbol)
# Filter for new (arrival) orders
arrival_orders, other_orders = orders[(orders['STATE'] == 'N')]
# Join arrival orders with quotes based on timestamp
arrival_orders_with_quotes = otp.join_by_time([arrival_orders, quotes])
# Calculate current mid price for each quote tick
arrival_orders_with_quotes['MID_PRICE'] = (arrival_orders_with_quotes['ASK_PRICE'] + arrival_orders_with_quotes['BID_PRICE']) / 2
# Merge all ticks back to apply aggregation properly
merged_orders = arrival_orders_with_quotes + other_orders
# Aggregate to carry forward arrival mid price, VWAP, 'SIDE' field, and sum of 'QTY_FILLED'
orders_agg = merged_orders.agg({
'ARRIVAL_MID_PRICE': otp.agg.first('MID_PRICE'),
'SIDE': otp.agg.first('SIDE'),
'VWAP': otp.agg.vwap('PRICE_FILLED', 'QTY_FILLED'),
'EXECUTED_QTY': otp.agg.sum('QTY_FILLED')
}, group_by='ID')
# Calculate Direction (1 for BUY, -1 for SELL)
orders_agg['DIRECTION'] = orders_agg.apply(lambda tick: 1 if tick['SIDE'] == 'BUY' else -1)
# Calculate IS (Implementation Shortfall)
orders_agg['IS'] = orders_agg['DIRECTION'] * orders_agg['EXECUTED_QTY'] * (orders_agg['ARRIVAL_MID_PRICE'] - orders_agg['VWAP'])
# Select relevant fields
orders_with_is = orders_agg[['ID', 'IS']]
# Run the query for the specified date
df =, date=date)