
class Operation#

Bases: abc.ABC

Source column operation container.

This is the object you get when applying most operations on Column or on other operations. Eventually you can add a new column using the operation you got or pass it as a parameter to some functions.


>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> t['A']
Column(A, <class 'int'>)
>>> t['A'] / 2
Operation((A) / (2))
>>> t['B'] = t['A'] / 2
>>> t['B']
Column(B, <class 'float'>)
class Column#

Bases: onetick.py.core.column_operations.base.Operation

Source column container.

This is the object you get when using __getitem__(). You can use this object everywhere where Operation object can be used.


>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1)
>>> t['A']
Column(A, <class 'int'>)