
class Tick(data, offset, offset_part, time, timezone_for_time, symbol, db, start, end, date, tick_type, bucket_interval, bucket_units, num_ticks_per_timestamp, kwargs, bucket_time=None)#

Bases: onetick.py.core.source.Source

Generates a single tick for each bucket. By default a single tick for the whole query time interval is generated.

  • data (dict) – dictionary of columns names with their values. If specified, then parameter kwargs can’t be used.

  • offset (int, datetime offset, otp.timedelta, default=0) – tick timestamp offset from query start time in offset_part

  • offset_part (one of [nanosecond, millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, dayofyear, weekday, week, month, quarter, year], default=millisecond #noqa) – unit of time to calculate offset from. Could be omitted if datetime offset or otp.timedelta objects are set as offset.

  • time (otp.datetime) – fixed time to set to all ticks. Note that this time should be inside time interval set by start and end parameters or by query time range.

  • timezone_for_time (str) – timezone of the time

  • symbol (str, list of str, Source, query, eval query) – Symbol(s) from which data should be taken.

  • db (str) – Database to use for tick generation

  • start (otp.datetime) – start time for tick generation. By default the start time of the query will be used.

  • end (otp.datetime) – end time for tick generation. By default the end time of the query will be used.

  • date (otp.datetime – allows to specify a whole day) – instead of passing explicitly start and end parameters. If it is set along with the start and end parameters then last two are ignored.

  • tick_type (str) – By default, the tick type value is not significant, and a placeholder string constant will be utilized. If you prefer to use the sink node’s tick type instead of specifying your own, you can set the value to None.

  • bucket_interval (int or datetime offset objects) –

    Determines the length of each bucket (units depends on bucket_units) for which the tick will be generated.

    Bucket interval can also be set via datetime offset objects like otp.Second, otp.Minute, otp.Hour, otp.Day, otp.Month. In this case you could omit setting bucket_units parameter.

  • bucket_units ('seconds', 'days' or 'months') – Unit for value in bucket_interval. Default is ‘seconds’.

  • num_ticks_per_timestamp (int) – The number of ticks to generate for every value of timestamp.

  • kwargs – dictionary of columns names with their values. If specified, then parameter data can’t be used.

  • bucket_time (Literal['start', 'end'], default=end) –

    Control output timestamp.

    • start

      the timestamp assigned to the bucket is the start time of the bucket.

    • end

      the timestamp assigned to the bucket is the end time of the bucket.


Simple usage, generate single tick:

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1, B='string', C=3.14, D=otp.dt(2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
>>> otp.run(t)
        Time  A       B     C                          D
0 2003-12-01  1  string  3.14 2000-01-01 01:01:01.000001

Generate single tick with offset:

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1, offset=otp.Minute(10))
>>> otp.run(t)
        Time           A
0 2003-12-01 00:10:00  1

Generate one tick for each day in a week:

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1, start=otp.dt(2023, 1, 1), end=otp.dt(2023, 1, 8), bucket_interval=24 * 60 * 60)
>>> otp.run(t)
        Time  A
0 2023-01-01  1
1 2023-01-02  1
2 2023-01-03  1
3 2023-01-04  1
4 2023-01-05  1
5 2023-01-06  1
6 2023-01-07  1

Generate tick every hour and add 1 minute offset to ticks’ timestamps:

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1, offset=1, offset_part='minute', bucket_interval=60 * 60)
>>> t.head(5)
                  Time  A
0  2003-12-01 00:01:00  1
1  2003-12-01 01:01:00  1
2  2003-12-01 02:01:00  1
3  2003-12-01 03:01:00  1
4  2003-12-01 04:01:00  1

Generate tick every hour and set fixed time:

>>> t = otp.Tick(A=1, time=otp.dt(2023, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), bucket_interval=60 * 60,
...              start=otp.dt(2023, 1, 1), end=otp.dt(2023, 1, 8))
>>> t.head(5)
                        Time  A
0 2023-01-02 03:04:05.000006  1
1 2023-01-02 03:04:05.000006  1
2 2023-01-02 03:04:05.000006  1
3 2023-01-02 03:04:05.000006  1
4 2023-01-02 03:04:05.000006  1

Use datetime offset object as a bucket_interval:

t = otp.Tick(A=1, bucket_interval=otp.Day(1))
df = otp.run(t, start=otp.dt(2023, 1, 1), end=otp.dt(2023, 1, 5))
        Time  A
0 2023-01-01  1
1 2023-01-02  1
2 2023-01-03  1
3 2023-01-04  1

See also

TICK_GENERATOR OneTick event processor