- class DB(name, context=utils.default)#
An object of available databases that the
function returns. It helps to make initial analysis on the database level: available tick types, dates with data, symbols, tick schema, etc.- property access_info: dict#
Get access info for this database and current user.
All dates are returned in GMT timezone.
This function result is cached, cache will be cleared after each
>>> some_db = otp.databases()['SOME_DB'] >>> some_db.access_info {'DB_NAME': 'SOME_DB', 'READ_ACCESS': 1, 'WRITE_ACCESS': 1, 'MIN_AGE_SET': 0, 'MIN_AGE_MSEC': 0, 'MAX_AGE_SET': 0, 'MAX_AGE_MSEC': 0, 'MIN_START_DATE_SET': 0, 'MIN_START_DATE_MSEC': Timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00'), 'MAX_END_DATE_SET': 0, 'MAX_END_DATE_MSEC': Timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00'), 'MIN_AGE_DB_DAYS': 0, 'MIN_AGE_DB_DAYS_SET': 0, 'MAX_AGE_DB_DAYS': 0, 'MAX_AGE_DB_DAYS_SET': 0, 'CEP_ACCESS': 0, 'DESTROY_ACCESS': 0}
See also
ACCESS_INFO OneTick event processor
- show_config(config_type='locator_entry')#
Shows the specified configuration for a database.
- Parameters
config_type (str) –
If ‘locator_entry’ is specified, a string representing db’s locator entry along with VDB_FLAG (this flag equals 1 when the database is virtual and 0 otherwise) will be returned.
If ‘db_time_intervals’ is specified, then time intervals configured in the locator file will be propagated including additional information, such as LOCATION, ARCHIVE_DURATION, DAY_BOUNDARY_TZ, DAY_BOUNDARY_OFFSET, ALTERNATIVE_LOCATIONS, etc.
- Return type
>>> some_db = otp.databases()['SOME_DB'] >>> print(some_db.show_config()['LOCATOR_STRING']) <DB ARCHIVE_COMPRESSION_TYPE="NATIVE_PLUS_GZIP" ID="SOME_DB" SYMBOLOGY="BZX" TICK_TIMESTAMP_TYPE="NANOS" > <LOCATIONS > <LOCATION ACCESS_METHOD="file" DAY_BOUNDARY_TZ="EST5EDT" END_TIME="21000101000000" LOCATION="..." START_TIME="20021230000000" /> </LOCATIONS> <RAW_DATA /> </DB> >>> some_db.show_config(config_type='db_time_intervals') {'START_DATE': 1041206400000, 'END_DATE': 4102444800000, 'GROWABLE_ARCHIVE_FLAG': 0, 'ARCHIVE_DURATION': 0, 'LOCATION': '...', 'DAY_BOUNDARY_TZ': 'EST5EDT', 'DAY_BOUNDARY_OFFSET': 0, 'ALTERNATIVE_LOCATIONS': ''}
See also
DB/SHOW_CONFIG OneTick event processor
- property min_acl_start_date: Optional[datetime.date]#
Minimum start date set in ACL for current user. Returns None if not set.
- property max_acl_end_date: Optional[datetime.date]#
Maximum end date set in ACL for current user. Returns None if not set.
- dates(respect_acl=False, check_index_file=None)#
Returns list of dates in GMT timezone for which data is available.
- Parameters
respect_acl (bool) – If True then only the dates that current user has access to will be returned
check_index_file (bool) – If True (default), then file index will be searched for to determine if a database is loaded for a date. This check may be expensive, in terms of time it takes, when the file resides on NFS or on object storage, such as S3. If this parameter is set to False, then only the database directory for a date will be searched. This will increase performance, but may also return the days that are configured but where there is actually no data.
- Returns
when there is no data in the database- Return type
>>> some_db = otp.databases()['SOME_DB'] >>> some_db.dates() [datetime.date(2003, 12, 1)]
- property last_date#
The latest date on which db has data and the current user has access to.
- Returns
when there is no data in the database- Return type
>>> some_db = otp.databases()['SOME_DB'] >>> some_db.last_date datetime.date(2003, 12, 1)
- tick_types(date=None, timezone=None)#
Returns list of tick types for the
.- Parameters
date (
, optional) – Date for the tick types look up.None
means thelast_date
timezone (str, optional) – Timezone for the look up.
means the default timezone.
- Returns
List with string values of available tick types.
- Return type
>>> nyse_taq_db = otp.databases()['NYSE_TAQ'] >>> nyse_taq_db.tick_types(date=otp.dt(2022, 3, 1)) ['QTE', 'TRD']
- schema(date=None, tick_type=None, timezone=None, check_index_file=None)#
Gets the schema of the database.
- Parameters
date (
, optional) – Date for the schema.None
means thelast_date
tick_type (str, optional) – Specifies a tick type for schema.
means use the one available tick type, if there are multiple tick types then it raises theException
. It uses thetick_types()
method.timezone (str, optional) – Allows to specify a timezone for searching tick types.
- Returns
Dict where keys are field names and values are
types. It’s compatible with theonetick.py.Source.schema
methods.- Return type
>>> nyse_taq_db = otp.databases()['NYSE_TAQ'] >>> nyse_taq_db.schema(tick_type='TRD', date=otp.dt(2022, 3, 1)) {'PRICE': <class 'float'>, 'SIZE': <class 'int'>}
- symbols(date=None, timezone=None, tick_type=None, pattern='.*')#
Finds a list of available symbols in the database
- Parameters
date (
, optional) – Date for the symbols look up.None
means thelast_date
tick_type (str, optional) – Tick type for symbols.
means union across all tick types.timezone (str, optional) – Timezone for the lookup.
means the default timezone.pattern (str) – Regular expression to select symbols.
- Return type
>>> nyse_taq_db = otp.databases()['NYSE_TAQ'] >>> nyse_taq_db.symbols(date=otp.dt(2022, 3, 1), tick_type='TRD', pattern='^AAP.*') ['AAP', 'AAPL']
- show_archive_stats(start=utils.adaptive, end=utils.adaptive, date=None, timezone='GMT')#
This method shows various stats about the queried symbol, as well as an archive as a whole for each day within the queried interval.
Accelerator databases are not supported. Memory databases will be ignored even within their life hours.
Archive stats returned:
COMPRESSION_TYPE - archive compression type. In older archives native compression flag is not stored, so for example for gzip compression this field may say “GZIP or NATIVE_PLUS_GZIP”. The meta_data_upgrader.exe tool can be used to determine and inject that information in such cases in order to get a more precise result in this field.
TIME_RANGE_VALIDITY - whether lowest and highest loaded timestamps (see below) are known. Like native compression flag, this information is missing in older archives and can be added using meta_data_upgrader.exe tool.
LOWEST_LOADED_DATETIME - the lowest loaded timestamp for the queried interval (across all symbols)
HIGHEST_LOADED_DATETIME - the highest loaded timestamp for the queried interval (across all symbols)
TOTAL_TICKS - the number of ticks for the queried interval (across all symbols). Also missing in older archives and can be added using meta_data_upgrader.exe. If not available, -1 will be returned.
SYMBOL_DATA_SIZE - the size of the symbol in archive in bytes. This information is also missing in older archives, however the other options, it cannot later be added. In such cases -1 will be returned.
TOTAL_SYMBOLS - the number of symbols for the queried interval
TOTAL_SIZE - archive size in bytes for the queried interval (including the garbage potentially accumulated during appends).
Fields LOWEST_LOADED_DATETIME and HIGHEST_LOADED_DATETIME are returned in GMT timezone, so the default value of parameter
is GMT too.Examples
Show stats for a particular date for a database SOME_DB:
>>> db = otp.databases()['SOME_DB'] >>> db.show_archive_stats(date=otp.dt(2003, 12, 1)) Time COMPRESSION_TYPE TIME_RANGE_VALIDITY LOWEST_LOADED_DATETIME HIGHEST_LOADED_DATETIME... 0 2003-12-01 05:00:00 NATIVE_PLUS_GZIP VALID 2003-12-01 05:00:00 2003-12-01 05:00:00.002...
See also
SHOW_ARCHIVE_STATS OneTick event processor
- Return type
- ref_data(ref_data_type, symbol_date=None, start=utils.adaptive, end=utils.adaptive, date=None, timezone='GMT')#
Shows reference data for the specified security and reference data type.
It can be used to view corporation actions, symbol name changes, primary exchange info and symbology mapping for a securities, as well as the list of symbologies, names of custom adjustment types for corporate actions present in a reference database as well as names of continuous contracts in database symbology.
- Parameters
ref_data_type (str) –
Type of reference data to be queried. Possible values are:
symbol_date – This parameter must be specified for some reference data types to be queried.
- Return type
Show calendars for a database TRAIN_A_PRL_TRD in the given range:
>>> db = otp.databases()['TRAIN_A_PRL_TRD'] >>> db.ref_data('all_calendars', ... start=otp.dt(2018, 2, 1), ... end=otp.dt(2018, 2, 9), ... symbol_date=otp.dt(2018, 2, 1)) Time END_DATETIME CALENDAR_NAME SESSION_NAME SESSION_FLAGS DAY_PATTERN START_HHMMSS END_HHMMSS TIMEZONE PRIORITY DESCRIPTION 0 2018-02-01 00:00:00 2018-02-06 23:59:59 FRED Regular R 0.0.12345 93000 160000 EST5EDT 0 1 2018-02-06 23:59:59 2018-02-07 23:59:59 FRED Holiday H 0.0.12345 93000 160000 EST5EDT 1 2 2018-02-07 23:59:59 2050-12-31 23:59:59 FRED Regular F 0.0.12345 93000 160000 EST5EDT 0
See also
REF_DATA OneTick event processor