
Source.cache(cache_name, delete_if_exists=True, inheritability=True, otq_params=None, time_granularity=0, time_granularity_units=None, timezone='', time_intervals_to_cache=None, allow_delete_to_everyone=False, allow_update_to_everyone=False, allow_search_to_everyone=True, cache_expiration_interval=0, start=None, end=None, read_mode='automatic', update_cache=True, tick_type='ANY', symbol=None, db=None)#

Create cache from query and onetick.py.ReadCache for created cache.

Cache will be created only for current session.

By default, if cache with specified name exists, it will be deleted and recreated. You can change this behaviour via delete_if_exists parameter.

  • cache_name (str) – Name of the cache to be deleted.

  • delete_if_exists (bool) – If set to True (default), a check will be made to detect the existence of a cache with the specified name. Cache will be deleted and recreated only if it exists. If set to False, if cache exists it won’t be deleted and recreated.

  • inheritability (bool) – Indicates whether results can be obtained by combining time intervals that were cached with intervals freshly computed to obtain results for larger intervals.

  • otq_params (dict) – OTQ params of the query to be cached.

  • time_granularity (int) – Value N for seconds/days/months granularity means that start and end time of the query have to be on N second/day/month boundaries relative to start of the day/month/year. This doesn’t affect the frequency of data within the cache, just the start and end dates.

  • time_granularity_units (str, None) – Units used in time_granularity parameter. Possible values: ‘none’, ‘days’, ‘months’, ‘seconds’ or None.

  • timezone (str) – Timezone of the query to be cached.

  • time_intervals_to_cache (List[tuple]) –

    List of tuples with start and end times in [(<start_time_1>, <end_time_1>), ...] format, where <start_time> and <end_time> should be one of these:

    If specified only these time intervals can be cached. Ignored if inheritability=True. If you try to make a query outside defined interval, error will be raised.

  • allow_delete_to_everyone (bool) – When set to True everyone is allowed to delete the cache.

  • allow_update_to_everyone (bool) – When set to True everyone is allowed to update the cache.

  • allow_search_to_everyone (bool) – When set to True everyone is allowed to read the cached data.

  • cache_expiration_interval (int) – If set to a non-zero value determines the periodicity of cache clearing, in seconds. The cache will be cleared every X seconds, triggering new query executions when data is requested.

  • start (otp.datetime) – Start time for cache query. By default, the start time of the query will be used.

  • end (otp.datetime) – End time for cache query. By default, the end time of the query will be used.

  • read_mode (str) –

    Mode of querying cache. One of these:

    • cache_only - only cached results are returned and queries are not performed.

    • query_only - the query is run irrespective of whether the result is already available in the cache.

    • automatic (default) - perform the query if the data is not found in the cache.

  • update_cache (bool) – If set to True, updates the cached data if read_mode=query_only or if read_mode=automatic and the result data not found in the cache. Otherwise, the cache remains unchanged.

  • tick_type (str) – Tick type.

  • symbol (str, list of str, list of otq.Symbol, onetick.py.Source, pd.DataFrame, optional) – symbols parameter of otp.run().

  • db (str) – Database.

  • self (Source) –

Return type



Simple usage

>>> src = otp.DataSource("COMMON", tick_type="TRD", symbols="AAPL")
>>> data = src.cache(
...    cache_name="some_cache",
...    tick_type="TRD", symbol="SYM", db="LOCAL",
... )
>>> df = otp.run(data)