
Source.time_filter(discard_on_match=False, start_time=0, end_time=0, day_patterns='', timezone=utils.default, end_time_tick_matches=False, inplace=False)[source]#

Filters ticks by time.

  • discard_on_match (bool, optional) – If True, then ticks that match the filter will be discarded. Otherwise, only ticks that match the filter will be passed.

  • start_time (str or int or datetime.time, optional) – Start time of the filter, string must be in the format HHMMSSmmm. Default value is 0.

  • end_time (str or int or datetime.time, optional) – End time of the filter, string must be in the format HHMMSSmmm. To filter ticks for an entire day, this parameter should be set to 240000000. Default value is 0.

  • day_patterns (list or str) –

    Pattern or list of patterns that determines days for which the ticks can be propagated. A tick can be propagated if its date matches one or more of the patterns. Three supported pattern formats are:

    1. month.week.weekdays, 0 month means any month, 0 week means any week, 6 week means the last week of the month for a given weekday(s), weekdays are digits for each day, 0 being Sunday.

    2. month/day, 0 month means any month.

    3. year/month/day, 0 year means any year, 0 month means any month.

  • timezone (str, optional) – Timezone of the filter. Default value is configuration.config.tz.

  • end_time_tick_matches (bool, optional) – If True, then the end time is inclusive. Otherwise, the end time is exclusive.

  • inplace (bool, optional) – The flag controls whether operation should be applied inplace or not. If inplace=True, then it returns nothing. Otherwise method returns a new modified object. Default value is False.


Returns None if inplace=True.

Return type

Source or None


>>> data = otp.DataSource(db='NYSE_TAQ', tick_type='TRD', symbols='AAPL')
>>> data = data.time_filter(start_time='000000001', end_time='000000003')
>>> otp.run(data, start=otp.dt(2022, 3, 1), end=otp.dt(2022, 3, 2))
                     Time  PRICE  SIZE
0 2022-03-01 00:00:00.001    1.4    10
1 2022-03-01 00:00:00.002    1.4    50

See also

TIME_FILTER OneTick event processor