- class OneTickLib(*args, log_file=None)[source]#
Singleton class for otq.OneTickLib to initialize it once usage:
- set_log_file(log_file)[source]#
Set log file for given instance of OneTickLib
- Parameters
log_file – path to log file
- set_logging_level(lvl)[source]#
Logging level can be specified by using LoggingLevel Enum class
- Parameters
lvl (onetick.lib.instance.LoggingLevel) – available values are LoggingLevel.MIN, LoggingLevel.LOW, LoggingLevel.MEDIUM or LoggingLevel.MAX
- Returns
- set_authentication_token(auth_token)[source]#
Set authentication token for given instance of OneTickLib
- Parameters
auth_token (str) – authentication token
- static override_config_value(config_parameter_name, config_parameter_value)[source]#
Override config value of OneTickConfig :param config_parameter_name: param to override (could be both set or not set in OneTickConfig) :param config_parameter_value: new value of the param
- Parameters
config_parameter_name (str) –