- Source.transpose(inplace=False, direction='rows', n=None)[source]#
Data transposing. The main idea is joining many ticks into one or splitting one tick to many.
- Parameters
inplace (bool, default=False) – if True method will modify current object, otherwise it will return modified copy of the object.
direction ('rows', 'columns', default='rows') –
rows: join certain input ticks (depending on other parameters) with preceding ones. Fields of each tick will be added to the output tick and their names will be suffixed with _K where K is the positional number of tick (starting from 1) in reverse order. So fields of current tick will be suffixed with _1, fields of previous tick will be suffixed with _2 and so on.
columns: the operation is opposite to rows. It splits each input tick to several output ticks. Each input tick must have fields with names suffixed with _K where K is the positional number of tick (starting from 1) in reverse order.
n (Optional[int], default=None) – must be specified only if
is ‘rows’. Joins every n-th ticks with n-1 preceding ticks.
- Returns
parameter is True method will return None,otherwise it will return modified copy of the object.
- Return type
Merging two ticks into one.
>>> data = otp.Ticks(dict(A=[1, 2], ... B=[3, 4])) >>> data = data.transpose(direction='rows', n=2) >>> otp.run(data) Time TIMESTAMP_1 A_1 B_1 TIMESTAMP_2 A_2 B_2 0 2003-12-01 00:00:00.001 2003-12-01 00:00:00.001 2 4 2003-12-01 1 3
And splitting them back into two.
>>> data = data.transpose(direction='columns') >>> otp.run(data) Time A B 0 2003-12-01 00:00:00.000 1 3 1 2003-12-01 00:00:00.001 2 4
See also
TRANSPOSE OneTick event processor