- Source.write_parquet(output_path, compression_type='snappy', num_tick_per_row_group=1000, partitioning_keys='', propagate_input_ticks=False, inplace=False)#
Writes the input tick series to parquet data file.
Input must not have field ‘time’ as that field will also be added by the EP in the resulting file(s)
- Parameters
output_path (str) – Path for saving ticks to Parquet file. Partitioned: Path to the root directory of the parquet files. Non-partitioned: Path to the parquet file.
compression_type (str) – Compression type for parquet files. Should be one of these: gzip, lz4, none, snappy (default), zstd.
num_tick_per_row_group (int) – Number of rows per row group.
partitioning_keys (list, str) –
List of fields (list or comma-separated string) to be used as keys for partitioning.
Setting this parameter will switch this EP to partitioned mode.
In non-partitioned mode, if the path points to a file that already exists, it will be overridden. When partitioning is active:
The target directory must be empty
Key fields and their string values will be automatically URL-encoded to avoid conflicts with filesystem naming rules.
Pseudo-fields ‘_SYMBOL_NAME’ and ‘_TICK_TYPE’ may be used as partitioning_keys and will be added to the schema automatically.
propagate_input_ticks (bool) – Switches propagation of the ticks. If set to True, ticks will be propagated.
inplace (bool) – A flag controls whether operation should be applied inplace. If
, then it returns nothing. Otherwise method returns a new modified object.
Simple usage
>>> data = otp.Ticks(A=[1, 2, 3]) >>> data = data.write_parquet("/path/to/parquet/file") >>> df = otp.run(data)
See also
WRITE_TO_PARQUET OneTick event processor